Module funct.lazy

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import math
import operator
import funct.Array as A

class ASeq:
    __slots__ = []

    def to_Array(self):
        """ Converts all iterables in the Array to Arrays """
        return A.Array(
                lambda e: A.Array(e).to_Array() if isinstance(e, A.Iterable) else e,

    def sum_(self, start=0):
        """ Returns the sum of the elements. """
        return sum(self, start)

    def product_(self, start=1):
        """ Returns the product of the elements. """
        return A.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, self, start)

    def forall_(self, func):
        Returns whether the specified predicate
        holds for all elements of the iterable.
        return all(map(func, self))

    def forany_(self, func):
        Returns whether the specified predicate
        holds for any element of the iterable.
        return any(map(func, self))

    def foreach_(self, func):
        """ Applies `func` to each element of the iterable. """
        for e in self:

    def reduce_(self, func, init=None):
        """ Reduces the elements of the iterable using the specified operator. """
        if init is not None:
            return A.reduce(func, self, init)
        return A.reduce(func, self)

    def maxby_(self, func, **kwargs):
        """ Finds the maximum value measured by a function. """
        return max(self, key=func, **kwargs)

    def minby_(self, func, **kwargs):
        """ Finds the minimum value measured by a function. """
        return min(self, key=func, **kwargs)

    def argmax_(self):
        """ Returns the index of the maximum value """
        return self.enumerate_.maxby_(lambda e: e[1])[0]

    def argmin_(self):
        """ Returns the index of the minimum value """
        return self.enumerate_.minby_(lambda e: e[1])[0]

    def all_(self):
        """ Returns true if bool(e) is True for all elements in the iterable. """
        return all(self)

    def any_(self):
        """ Returns true if bool(e) is True for any element e in the iterable. """
        return any(self)

    def max_(self, **kwargs):
        return max(self, **kwargs)

    def min_(self, **kwargs):
        return min(self, **kwargs)

    def add_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise addition with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.add, e)

    def sub_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise subtraction with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.sub, e)

    def mul_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise multiplication with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.mul, e)

    def div_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise division with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.truediv, e)

    def pow_(self, e):
        Raises elements of the iterable to given power,
        or sequence of powers, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator, e)

    def mod_(self, e):
        Computes the remainder between elements in the iterable
        and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.mod, e)

    def bitwise_and_(self, e):
        Computes the bit-wise AND between elements in the iterable
        and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.and_, e)

    def bitwise_or_(self, e):
        Computes the bit-wise OR between elements in the iterable
        and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.or_, e)

    def abs_(self):
        """ Element-wise absolute value. """
        return Amap(abs, self)

    def floor_(self):
        """ Floors the elements of the iterable. """
        return Amap(math.floor, self)

    def ceil_(self):
        """ Ceils the elements of the iterable. """
        return Amap(math.ceil, self)

    def round_(self, d=0):
        """ Rounds the elements to the given number of decimals. """
        return Amap(lambda e: round(e, d), self)

    def gt_(self, e):
        """ Computes x > y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def ge_(self, e):
        """ Computes x >= y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def lt_(self, e):
        """ Computes x < y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def le_(self, e):
        """ Computes x <= y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.le, e)

    def eq_(self, e):
        """ Computes x == y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.eq, e)

    def ne_(self, e):
        """ Computes x != y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def isfinite_(self):
        Tests element-wise whether the elements are neither infinity nor NaN.
        return Amap(math.isfinite, self)

    def astype_(self, t):
        Converts the elements in the iterable to given type.
        return Amap(t, self)

    def int_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to integers. """
            return Amap(lambda e: ord(e) if isinstance(e, str) else int(e), self)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("Expected an Array of numbers or characters") from None

    def float_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to floats. """
        return Amap(float, self)

    def bool_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to booleans. """
        return Amap(bool, self)

    def char_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to chars. """
        return Amap(chr, self)

    def clip_(self, _min, _max):
        Clip the values in the iterable between the interval (`_min`, `_max`).
        return Amap(lambda e: max(min(e, _max), _min), self)

    def map_(self, func):
        """ Lazy map """
        return Amap(func, self)

    def starmap_(self, func):
        """ Lazy starmap """
        return Amap(lambda a: func(*a), self)

    def filter_(self, func):
        """ Lazy filter """
        return Afilter(func, self)

    def takewhile_(self, func):
        """ Takes the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate. """
        return Aiter(A.itertools.takewhile(func, self))

    def dropwhile_(self, func):
        """ Drops the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate. """
        return Aiter(A.itertools.dropwhile(func, self))

    def zip_(self, *args):
        """ Lazy zip """
        return Azip(self, *args)

    def unzip_(self):
        'Unzips' nested iterators by unpacking its elements into a zip.

        >>> Array((1, "a"), (2, "b")).unzip()
        Array(Array(1, 2), Array('a', 'b'))
        return Azip(*self)

    def zip_all_(self, *args, default=None):
        Zips the iterables. If the iterables are
        of uneven length, missing values are filled with default value.
        return Aiter(A.itertools.zip_longest(self, *args, fillvalue=default))

    def next_(self, *args):
        Returns the first element of the iterator if
        it has one, otherwise returns `default`.
        return next(self, *args)

    def enumerate_(self):
        """ Zips the iterator with its indices """
        return Aenum(self)

    def __lazy_operate(self, f, e):
        if isinstance(e, A.Iterable):
            return Amap(f, self, e)
        return Amap(f, self, A.itertools.repeat(e))

    def copy_(self, n=2):
        Returns n independent iterators from the iterable.
        Exhausts the original iterator.
        return tuple(Aiter(e) for e in A.itertools.tee(self, n))

class AFunc:
    __slots__ = []

    def result(self):
        return A.Array(self)

class Amap(ASeq, AFunc, map):
    __slots__ = []

class Afilter(ASeq, AFunc, filter):
    __slots__ = []

class Azip(ASeq, AFunc, zip):
    __slots__ = []

class Aenum(ASeq, AFunc, enumerate):
    __slots__ = []

class Aiter(ASeq, AFunc):
    __slots__ = "__val"

    def __init__(self, val):
        self.__val = val

    def __next__(self):
        return next(self.__val)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__val)


class AFunc
Expand source code
class AFunc:
    __slots__ = []

    def result(self):
        return A.Array(self)



def result(self)
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def result(self):
    return A.Array(self)
class ASeq
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class ASeq:
    __slots__ = []

    def to_Array(self):
        """ Converts all iterables in the Array to Arrays """
        return A.Array(
                lambda e: A.Array(e).to_Array() if isinstance(e, A.Iterable) else e,

    def sum_(self, start=0):
        """ Returns the sum of the elements. """
        return sum(self, start)

    def product_(self, start=1):
        """ Returns the product of the elements. """
        return A.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, self, start)

    def forall_(self, func):
        Returns whether the specified predicate
        holds for all elements of the iterable.
        return all(map(func, self))

    def forany_(self, func):
        Returns whether the specified predicate
        holds for any element of the iterable.
        return any(map(func, self))

    def foreach_(self, func):
        """ Applies `func` to each element of the iterable. """
        for e in self:

    def reduce_(self, func, init=None):
        """ Reduces the elements of the iterable using the specified operator. """
        if init is not None:
            return A.reduce(func, self, init)
        return A.reduce(func, self)

    def maxby_(self, func, **kwargs):
        """ Finds the maximum value measured by a function. """
        return max(self, key=func, **kwargs)

    def minby_(self, func, **kwargs):
        """ Finds the minimum value measured by a function. """
        return min(self, key=func, **kwargs)

    def argmax_(self):
        """ Returns the index of the maximum value """
        return self.enumerate_.maxby_(lambda e: e[1])[0]

    def argmin_(self):
        """ Returns the index of the minimum value """
        return self.enumerate_.minby_(lambda e: e[1])[0]

    def all_(self):
        """ Returns true if bool(e) is True for all elements in the iterable. """
        return all(self)

    def any_(self):
        """ Returns true if bool(e) is True for any element e in the iterable. """
        return any(self)

    def max_(self, **kwargs):
        return max(self, **kwargs)

    def min_(self, **kwargs):
        return min(self, **kwargs)

    def add_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise addition with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.add, e)

    def sub_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise subtraction with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.sub, e)

    def mul_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise multiplication with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.mul, e)

    def div_(self, e):
        Lazy element-wise division with given scalar or sequence.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.truediv, e)

    def pow_(self, e):
        Raises elements of the iterable to given power,
        or sequence of powers, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator, e)

    def mod_(self, e):
        Computes the remainder between elements in the iterable
        and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.mod, e)

    def bitwise_and_(self, e):
        Computes the bit-wise AND between elements in the iterable
        and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.and_, e)

    def bitwise_or_(self, e):
        Computes the bit-wise OR between elements in the iterable
        and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.or_, e)

    def abs_(self):
        """ Element-wise absolute value. """
        return Amap(abs, self)

    def floor_(self):
        """ Floors the elements of the iterable. """
        return Amap(math.floor, self)

    def ceil_(self):
        """ Ceils the elements of the iterable. """
        return Amap(math.ceil, self)

    def round_(self, d=0):
        """ Rounds the elements to the given number of decimals. """
        return Amap(lambda e: round(e, d), self)

    def gt_(self, e):
        """ Computes x > y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def ge_(self, e):
        """ Computes x >= y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def lt_(self, e):
        """ Computes x < y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def le_(self, e):
        """ Computes x <= y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.le, e)

    def eq_(self, e):
        """ Computes x == y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(operator.eq, e)

    def ne_(self, e):
        """ Computes x != y element-wise """
        return self.__lazy_operate(, e)

    def isfinite_(self):
        Tests element-wise whether the elements are neither infinity nor NaN.
        return Amap(math.isfinite, self)

    def astype_(self, t):
        Converts the elements in the iterable to given type.
        return Amap(t, self)

    def int_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to integers. """
            return Amap(lambda e: ord(e) if isinstance(e, str) else int(e), self)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("Expected an Array of numbers or characters") from None

    def float_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to floats. """
        return Amap(float, self)

    def bool_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to booleans. """
        return Amap(bool, self)

    def char_(self):
        """ Converts elements in the iterable to chars. """
        return Amap(chr, self)

    def clip_(self, _min, _max):
        Clip the values in the iterable between the interval (`_min`, `_max`).
        return Amap(lambda e: max(min(e, _max), _min), self)

    def map_(self, func):
        """ Lazy map """
        return Amap(func, self)

    def starmap_(self, func):
        """ Lazy starmap """
        return Amap(lambda a: func(*a), self)

    def filter_(self, func):
        """ Lazy filter """
        return Afilter(func, self)

    def takewhile_(self, func):
        """ Takes the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate. """
        return Aiter(A.itertools.takewhile(func, self))

    def dropwhile_(self, func):
        """ Drops the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate. """
        return Aiter(A.itertools.dropwhile(func, self))

    def zip_(self, *args):
        """ Lazy zip """
        return Azip(self, *args)

    def unzip_(self):
        'Unzips' nested iterators by unpacking its elements into a zip.

        >>> Array((1, "a"), (2, "b")).unzip()
        Array(Array(1, 2), Array('a', 'b'))
        return Azip(*self)

    def zip_all_(self, *args, default=None):
        Zips the iterables. If the iterables are
        of uneven length, missing values are filled with default value.
        return Aiter(A.itertools.zip_longest(self, *args, fillvalue=default))

    def next_(self, *args):
        Returns the first element of the iterator if
        it has one, otherwise returns `default`.
        return next(self, *args)

    def enumerate_(self):
        """ Zips the iterator with its indices """
        return Aenum(self)

    def __lazy_operate(self, f, e):
        if isinstance(e, A.Iterable):
            return Amap(f, self, e)
        return Amap(f, self, A.itertools.repeat(e))

    def copy_(self, n=2):
        Returns n independent iterators from the iterable.
        Exhausts the original iterator.
        return tuple(Aiter(e) for e in A.itertools.tee(self, n))


Instance variables

var enumerate_

Zips the iterator with its indices

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def enumerate_(self):
    """ Zips the iterator with its indices """
    return Aenum(self)


def abs_(self)

Element-wise absolute value.

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def abs_(self):
    """ Element-wise absolute value. """
    return Amap(abs, self)
def add_(self, e)

Lazy element-wise addition with given scalar or sequence.

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def add_(self, e):
    Lazy element-wise addition with given scalar or sequence.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.add, e)
def all_(self)

Returns true if bool(e) is True for all elements in the iterable.

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def all_(self):
    """ Returns true if bool(e) is True for all elements in the iterable. """
    return all(self)
def any_(self)

Returns true if bool(e) is True for any element e in the iterable.

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def any_(self):
    """ Returns true if bool(e) is True for any element e in the iterable. """
    return any(self)
def argmax_(self)

Returns the index of the maximum value

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def argmax_(self):
    """ Returns the index of the maximum value """
    return self.enumerate_.maxby_(lambda e: e[1])[0]
def argmin_(self)

Returns the index of the minimum value

Expand source code
def argmin_(self):
    """ Returns the index of the minimum value """
    return self.enumerate_.minby_(lambda e: e[1])[0]
def astype_(self, t)

Converts the elements in the iterable to given type.

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def astype_(self, t):
    Converts the elements in the iterable to given type.
    return Amap(t, self)
def bitwise_and_(self, e)

Computes the bit-wise AND between elements in the iterable and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.

Expand source code
def bitwise_and_(self, e):
    Computes the bit-wise AND between elements in the iterable
    and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.and_, e)
def bitwise_or_(self, e)

Computes the bit-wise OR between elements in the iterable and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.

Expand source code
def bitwise_or_(self, e):
    Computes the bit-wise OR between elements in the iterable
    and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.or_, e)
def bool_(self)

Converts elements in the iterable to booleans.

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def bool_(self):
    """ Converts elements in the iterable to booleans. """
    return Amap(bool, self)
def ceil_(self)

Ceils the elements of the iterable.

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def ceil_(self):
    """ Ceils the elements of the iterable. """
    return Amap(math.ceil, self)
def char_(self)

Converts elements in the iterable to chars.

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def char_(self):
    """ Converts elements in the iterable to chars. """
    return Amap(chr, self)
def clip_(self, _min, _max)

Clip the values in the iterable between the interval (_min, _max).

Expand source code
def clip_(self, _min, _max):
    Clip the values in the iterable between the interval (`_min`, `_max`).
    return Amap(lambda e: max(min(e, _max), _min), self)
def copy_(self, n=2)

Returns n independent iterators from the iterable. Exhausts the original iterator.

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def copy_(self, n=2):
    Returns n independent iterators from the iterable.
    Exhausts the original iterator.
    return tuple(Aiter(e) for e in A.itertools.tee(self, n))
def div_(self, e)

Lazy element-wise division with given scalar or sequence.

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def div_(self, e):
    Lazy element-wise division with given scalar or sequence.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.truediv, e)
def dropwhile_(self, func)

Drops the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate.

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def dropwhile_(self, func):
    """ Drops the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate. """
    return Aiter(A.itertools.dropwhile(func, self))
def eq_(self, e)

Computes x == y element-wise

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def eq_(self, e):
    """ Computes x == y element-wise """
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.eq, e)
def filter_(self, func)

Lazy filter

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def filter_(self, func):
    """ Lazy filter """
    return Afilter(func, self)
def float_(self)

Converts elements in the iterable to floats.

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def float_(self):
    """ Converts elements in the iterable to floats. """
    return Amap(float, self)
def floor_(self)

Floors the elements of the iterable.

Expand source code
def floor_(self):
    """ Floors the elements of the iterable. """
    return Amap(math.floor, self)
def forall_(self, func)

Returns whether the specified predicate holds for all elements of the iterable.

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def forall_(self, func):
    Returns whether the specified predicate
    holds for all elements of the iterable.
    return all(map(func, self))
def forany_(self, func)

Returns whether the specified predicate holds for any element of the iterable.

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def forany_(self, func):
    Returns whether the specified predicate
    holds for any element of the iterable.
    return any(map(func, self))
def foreach_(self, func)

Applies func to each element of the iterable.

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def foreach_(self, func):
    """ Applies `func` to each element of the iterable. """
    for e in self:
def ge_(self, e)

Computes x >= y element-wise

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def ge_(self, e):
    """ Computes x >= y element-wise """
    return self.__lazy_operate(, e)
def gt_(self, e)

Computes x > y element-wise

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def gt_(self, e):
    """ Computes x > y element-wise """
    return self.__lazy_operate(, e)
def int_(self)

Converts elements in the iterable to integers.

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def int_(self):
    """ Converts elements in the iterable to integers. """
        return Amap(lambda e: ord(e) if isinstance(e, str) else int(e), self)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError("Expected an Array of numbers or characters") from None
def isfinite_(self)

Tests element-wise whether the elements are neither infinity nor NaN.

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def isfinite_(self):
    Tests element-wise whether the elements are neither infinity nor NaN.
    return Amap(math.isfinite, self)
def le_(self, e)

Computes x <= y element-wise

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def le_(self, e):
    """ Computes x <= y element-wise """
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.le, e)
def lt_(self, e)

Computes x < y element-wise

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def lt_(self, e):
    """ Computes x < y element-wise """
    return self.__lazy_operate(, e)
def map_(self, func)

Lazy map

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def map_(self, func):
    """ Lazy map """
    return Amap(func, self)
def max_(self, **kwargs)
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def max_(self, **kwargs):
    return max(self, **kwargs)
def maxby_(self, func, **kwargs)

Finds the maximum value measured by a function.

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def maxby_(self, func, **kwargs):
    """ Finds the maximum value measured by a function. """
    return max(self, key=func, **kwargs)
def min_(self, **kwargs)
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def min_(self, **kwargs):
    return min(self, **kwargs)
def minby_(self, func, **kwargs)

Finds the minimum value measured by a function.

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def minby_(self, func, **kwargs):
    """ Finds the minimum value measured by a function. """
    return min(self, key=func, **kwargs)
def mod_(self, e)

Computes the remainder between elements in the iterable and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.

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def mod_(self, e):
    Computes the remainder between elements in the iterable
    and given scalar or sequence, element-wise.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.mod, e)
def mul_(self, e)

Lazy element-wise multiplication with given scalar or sequence.

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def mul_(self, e):
    Lazy element-wise multiplication with given scalar or sequence.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.mul, e)
def ne_(self, e)

Computes x != y element-wise

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def ne_(self, e):
    """ Computes x != y element-wise """
    return self.__lazy_operate(, e)
def next_(self, *args)

Returns the first element of the iterator if it has one, otherwise returns default.

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def next_(self, *args):
    Returns the first element of the iterator if
    it has one, otherwise returns `default`.
    return next(self, *args)
def pow_(self, e)

Raises elements of the iterable to given power, or sequence of powers, element-wise.

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def pow_(self, e):
    Raises elements of the iterable to given power,
    or sequence of powers, element-wise.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator, e)
def product_(self, start=1)

Returns the product of the elements.

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def product_(self, start=1):
    """ Returns the product of the elements. """
    return A.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, self, start)
def reduce_(self, func, init=None)

Reduces the elements of the iterable using the specified operator.

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def reduce_(self, func, init=None):
    """ Reduces the elements of the iterable using the specified operator. """
    if init is not None:
        return A.reduce(func, self, init)
    return A.reduce(func, self)
def round_(self, d=0)

Rounds the elements to the given number of decimals.

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def round_(self, d=0):
    """ Rounds the elements to the given number of decimals. """
    return Amap(lambda e: round(e, d), self)
def starmap_(self, func)

Lazy starmap

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def starmap_(self, func):
    """ Lazy starmap """
    return Amap(lambda a: func(*a), self)
def sub_(self, e)

Lazy element-wise subtraction with given scalar or sequence.

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def sub_(self, e):
    Lazy element-wise subtraction with given scalar or sequence.
    return self.__lazy_operate(operator.sub, e)
def sum_(self, start=0)

Returns the sum of the elements.

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def sum_(self, start=0):
    """ Returns the sum of the elements. """
    return sum(self, start)
def takewhile_(self, func)

Takes the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate.

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def takewhile_(self, func):
    """ Takes the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate. """
    return Aiter(A.itertools.takewhile(func, self))
def to_Array(self)

Converts all iterables in the Array to Arrays

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def to_Array(self):
    """ Converts all iterables in the Array to Arrays """
    return A.Array(
            lambda e: A.Array(e).to_Array() if isinstance(e, A.Iterable) else e,
def unzip_(self)

'Unzips' nested iterators by unpacking its elements into a zip.

>>> Array((1, "a"), (2, "b")).unzip()
Array(Array(1, 2), Array('a', 'b'))
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def unzip_(self):
    'Unzips' nested iterators by unpacking its elements into a zip.

    >>> Array((1, "a"), (2, "b")).unzip()
    Array(Array(1, 2), Array('a', 'b'))
    return Azip(*self)
def zip_(self, *args)

Lazy zip

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def zip_(self, *args):
    """ Lazy zip """
    return Azip(self, *args)
def zip_all_(self, *args, default=None)

Zips the iterables. If the iterables are of uneven length, missing values are filled with default value.

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def zip_all_(self, *args, default=None):
    Zips the iterables. If the iterables are
    of uneven length, missing values are filled with default value.
    return Aiter(A.itertools.zip_longest(self, *args, fillvalue=default))
class Aenum (iterable, start=0)

Return an enumerate object.

iterable an object supporting iteration

The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from start, which defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument.

enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list: (0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), …

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class Aenum(ASeq, AFunc, enumerate):
    __slots__ = []


Inherited members

class Afilter (...)

filter(function or None, iterable) –> filter object

Return an iterator yielding those items of iterable for which function(item) is true. If function is None, return the items that are true.

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class Afilter(ASeq, AFunc, filter):
    __slots__ = []


Inherited members

class Aiter (val)
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class Aiter(ASeq, AFunc):
    __slots__ = "__val"

    def __init__(self, val):
        self.__val = val

    def __next__(self):
        return next(self.__val)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__val)


Inherited members

class Amap (...)

map(func, *iterables) –> map object

Make an iterator that computes the function using arguments from each of the iterables. Stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted.

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class Amap(ASeq, AFunc, map):
    __slots__ = []


Inherited members

class Azip (...)

zip(*iterables) –> A zip object yielding tuples until an input is exhausted.

list(zip('abcdefg', range(3), range(4))) [('a', 0, 0), ('b', 1, 1), ('c', 2, 2)]

The zip object yields n-length tuples, where n is the number of iterables passed as positional arguments to zip(). The i-th element in every tuple comes from the i-th iterable argument to zip(). This continues until the shortest argument is exhausted.

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class Azip(ASeq, AFunc, zip):
    __slots__ = []


Inherited members